What is DMARC? How does it work? Why should you use it?

Enhancing Email Security and Trust

In an era dominated by digital communication, the significance of secure and trustworthy email correspondence cannot be overstated. As cyber threats continue to evolve, organisations are compelled to adopt robust measures to protect their email channels.

One such indispensable tool in the cybersecurity arsenal is Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance, commonly known as DMARC. This article explores what DMARC is and the compelling benefits of DMARC compliance in fortifying email security.

Understanding DMARC

DMARC works in conjunction with two other email authentication protocols: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). Here’s how these three protocols work together to secure email communications:

  1. SPF (Sender Policy Framework): SPF allows domain owners to specify which IP addresses are allowed to send emails on behalf of their domain. When an email is received, the recipient server checks the sending IP against the domain’s SPF record.
  2. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): DKIM adds a digital signature to emails that verifies the sender’s domain. The receiving server uses the sender’s public key to validate the signature, ensuring the email has not been altered in transit.
  3. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): DMARC builds on SPF and DKIM by adding a policy layer and reporting functionality. It allows domain owners to publish a policy that specifies how to handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks (e.g., quarantine or reject) and provides a mechanism for receiving reports about email activity on their domain.

Benefits of Implementing DMARC

Mitigating Phishing Attacks

DMARC plays a pivotal role in combating phishing attacks, a prevalent and sophisticated cyber threat. By authenticating email senders through SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) protocols, DMARC ensures that only legitimate emails are delivered. This significantly reduces the risk of malicious actors impersonating trusted entities and deceiving recipients.

Enhancing Email Deliverability

DMARC compliance not only safeguards against phishing but also improves email deliverability. When email servers receive incoming emails, legitimate messages are easier to detect so they reach the intended recipients’ inboxes reducing the risk of being blocked by email filters. This fosters a reliable and efficient communication ecosystem for organisations.

Protecting Brand Reputation

Emails carrying the brand’s domain that fall into the wrong hands can tarnish an organisation’s reputation. DMARC empowers businesses to control and authorise the use of their domain, reducing the likelihood of unauthorised senders damaging the brand image. This heightened control over email communications bolsters trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders.

Visibility and Reporting

DMARC provides organisations with real-time insights into their email ecosystem through reporting mechanisms. It enables them to monitor email traffic, identify potential threats, and take proactive measures to address vulnerabilities promptly. This transparency enhances an organisation’s overall cybersecurity posture.

Regulatory Compliance

With data protection regulations becoming increasingly stringent, compliance is non-negotiable. DMARC aligns with regulatory requirements by offering an extra layer of protection for sensitive information transmitted via email. Adhering to DMARC standards aids organisations in meeting compliance obligations and avoiding potential legal repercussions.

Cost-effective Security Measure

Implementing DMARC is a cost-effective strategy for bolstering email security. Unlike some complex cybersecurity solutions, DMARC utilises existing email authentication protocols, making it a practical and efficient choice for organisations looking to strengthen their defences without significant financial investments.

Global Collaboration Against Cyber Threats

DMARC is a globally recognised standard supported by major email providers and organisations. By adopting DMARC compliance, businesses contribute to the collective effort to create a safer digital environment. This collaborative approach helps in building a secure and resilient global email infrastructure.



DMARC compliance emerges as a proactive and indispensable measure in the ongoing battle against cyber threats. From thwarting phishing attempts to fortifying brand reputation, the benefits of DMARC extend far beyond traditional email security measures.

Organisations that prioritise DMARC compliance not only safeguard their digital assets but also contribute to the establishment of a more secure and trustworthy online communication landscape.



Ready to enhance your company’s email security and protect your brand?

Contact Advantex to find out more about DMARC and how we can help you implement this essential security measure. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the process and ensure your organisation’s email communications are secure and reliable. Don’t wait—reach out to us now to get started! Click here to talk to one of our DMARC specialists.

Looking for additional layers of defence?

A multi-layered approach to security is always the best strategy, and at Advantex, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including firewalls, secure email, MFA, endpoint solutions and fully managed IT support. By leveraging a powerful combination of solutions, you can elevate your company’s security strategy to new heights, ensuring comprehensive protection against emerging threats and potential vulnerabilities. To learn more about how to secure your business with our tailored solutions, contact us today.


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