What is CCTV Remote Monitoring and How Does it Work?

Chances are, you’ll still see a few old-fashioned CCTV systems in action. Think of that little shop with a monitor placed near the cashier so that they can keep an eye on customers. A room full of screens with a security guard to watch them will also be a familiar scene you will have seen even if only in old movies. 

Things have changed, and CCTV remote monitoring is very common these days. As you’ve probably guessed, that can mean something as simple as CCTV cameras transmitting footage to a security company based at another location. But there’s much more potential in CCTV remote monitoring than that. 

This article unpacks the facts about remote CCTV monitoring equipment and software and shows you some of the applications for this technology that go beyond security and evidence collection. Let’s begin with how it all works. 

How Does Remote CCTV Monitoring Work?

Just about the only similarity between the CCTV monitoring of yesterday and modern day remote CCTV monitoring is the presence of cameras. The latest ones have some truly remarkable features and functionality. For example, they can “see” in the dark or be programmed to track movement, or zoom in on activity.

As the footage is captured, it’s transmitted to wired or wireless networks which transmit live video to a server or cloud-based facility. Users can log in and watch footage live, no matter where they may be. 

That’s already an improvement on the old way of monitoring CCTV footage, but the beauty of this is that you don’t have to spend hours staring at screens to monitor what’s going on. You can set up parameters that will trigger alerts so that you or your security team know that events worth watching may be underway. 

Importance and Benefits of Remote CCTV Monitoring

Enhanced Security and Access Control

On-site human monitoring of CCTV footage is labour intensive and therefore costly. It may also be less than effective. It’s easy for people to become distracted and miss important details. 

Unmonitored CCTV is only useful after a security incident, and then there are hours of footage to go through. 

Remote monitoring featuring alerts is much more cost-effective and thorough. It allows for rapid activation of alarms and fast deployment of security personnel. As a result, security is enhanced.  

Besides this, CCTV monitoring equipment is able to assist with access control. If unauthorised personnel enter a restricted area, facial recognition software can detect the intrusion, sending alerts. Even the movement of objects can be monitored, and apart from guarding against theft, this can be helpful in promoting workplace safety. 

Cost Efficiency and Convenience

In organisations where tight security is important, continuous on-site monitoring is essential. Remote monitoring CCTV systems coupled with intelligent software reduce the associated costs and allow for convenient monitoring from any location when the system detects anomalies. 

Workplace Monitoring, Safety and Analytics

Checking in on activities to ensure that they are well-coordinated no longer requires supervisors to spend time physically inspecting several locations on what may be a large work site. Instead, they can check in via CCTV even if they are off-site. 

In addition, CCTV monitoring software allows you to use analytics to spot areas for improvement. This can help you to streamline activities for improved efficiency or help to enhance quality control activities. 

Building Management

Further savings can be achieved through IP building management features. For example, lighting and environmental control systems can be adjusted based on occupancy. In some contexts, maintenance needs can be identified without the need for physical inspection – a useful feature in hard-to-reach areas. 

CCTV Remote Monitoring Software

Many of the benefits of modern CCTV systems stem from the software that transforms them into intelligent monitoring systems. Depending on the system, functionality includes:

  • Live streaming and playback
  • Remote or automated camera control, for example, pan, tilt, or zoom
  • Motion detection and recognition of people and objects
  • AI and data analytics capabilities
  • Alerts and event notifications


Remote Monitoring CCTV Cameras

For those who remember the low-resolution security footage of yesteryear, the cameras used in remote monitoring CCTV systems will come as a welcome improvement. 

  • Cameras may be wired or wireless, limiting installation constraints. 
  • Some cameras can pan, tilt, or zoom, following preprogrammed cues or under the control of remote viewers.  
  • Motion detection capabilities have multiple applications, for example, cameras may follow movements or send alerts when unexpected movements are detected. At the same time, they can filter out interference such as the movement of trees or changing light levels.
  • Cameras are capable of recording high resolution footage, allowing you to take a closer look at specific details. 
  • When equipped with infrared vision, they can even record clear video footage in the dark. 
  • Some cameras record audio as well as video, and can be integrated with speakers, allowing voice-based intervention.
  • The latest CCTV cameras can integrate with other systems, for example, alarms, access control, and building management systems.


How to Set Up Remote CCTV Monitoring

In commercial settings, the customizability of systems allows remote CCTV monitoring to serve multiple purposes. Choosing the right system and achieving the maximum benefit and return on your investment requires professional assistance. 

Partner with Advantex. We are NSI Gold level security solutions providers with supplier partnerships covering leading CCTV remote monitoring hardware and software solutions. Our satisfied clients across sectors include industrial concerns, transportation providers and professional services companies. 

Achieve more with us. Discover CCTV remote monitoring that enhances and transcends security, building operational efficiency. Find out how your organisation can benefit from remote monitoring CCTV systems today. Simply reach out. Your initial assessment is absolutely free. 


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