Microsoft to End Support for Windows 10 in October 2025

What You Need to Know

Microsoft has officially announced that it will end support for Windows 10 on 14 October 2025. After this date, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or technical support for Windows 10.

While your PC will continue to function, using an unsupported operating system presents significant risks and challenges. In this article, we will explore what this means for users, the risks of continuing with Windows 10, and the benefits of upgrading to a supported Operating System.

What Does This Mean for Users?

When Microsoft ends support for Windows 10, it will stop releasing updates, including security patches, bug fixes, and performance improvements. This marks the end of regular maintenance for the Operating System, which has been the backbone of millions of computers worldwide since its launch in 2015.

Risks of Continuing with Windows

Security Vulnerabilities:

Without security updates, Windows 10 will become increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. Hackers often exploit known vulnerabilities in outdated software, making unsupported systems prime targets for malware, ransomware, and other malicious activities.

Compliance Issues:

Many industries have strict regulatory requirements for IT systems. Using an unsupported Operating System would result in non-compliance, potentially leading to fines, legal issues, and damage to your organisation’s reputation.

Should your organisation have achieved a certification such as Cyber Essentials then falling out of compliance would result in failing the assessment.  This could also jeopardise any Cyber insurance you may have.

Software Incompatibility:

As software developers optimize their applications for newer operating systems, you may find that new software and updates become incompatible with Windows 10. This could limit your access to the latest features, enhancements, and security measures.

Technical Support Challenges:

Without official support from Microsoft, resolving technical issues will become more difficult. You may face longer downtimes and higher costs when seeking third-party support or solutions.


Benefits of Upgrading

Upgrading to a newer Operating System ensures you continue receiving regular security updates, protecting your system against the latest threats. Modern Operating System versions come with advanced security features designed to safeguard your data and privacy.

Improved Performance:

Newer operating systems are optimised for better performance, offering faster boot times, improved resource management, and smoother multitasking. This can enhance productivity and provide a better user experience.

Access to Latest Features:

Upgrading allows you to take advantage of the latest features and innovations in technology. Whether it’s new productivity tools, enhanced connectivity options, or better integration with other devices, a modern Operating System can significantly improve your computing experience.

Better Compatibility:

A supported Operating System ensures compatibility with the latest hardware and software, allowing you to leverage new technologies and applications. This can be crucial for businesses relying on cutting-edge solutions to stay competitive.


Secure Your Future Today

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Ensure your systems are secure, compliant, and optimised for the future by upgrading from Windows 10. Contact us today to discuss your options and get personalised advice on the best upgrade path for your needs. Our experts are here to help you transition smoothly and take advantage of all the benefits a modern operating system has to offer.


Get in touch with us now to start planning your upgrade and protect your digital assets for the future!


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